Friday, June 12, 2009


Is it just me, or does it seem like religion is shoved in our face more and more these days? If somebody's a religious person, then they should keep it to themselves. Not preach all their holy jesus on everybody that they feel threatened by. Because that's what it is. They're threatened by those of us who don't believe in that crap. I love the fact that these bible bangers preach about "love thy neighbor," and "thou shalt not judge," when they're the quickest to judge. They can put all the jesus fish and holy bumper stickers on their cars but those of us who don't buy into that crap aren't aloud to express our opinions? It's funny, church's don't pay taxes but they're always asking for money. I never quite figured that one out. And when they're not asking for your hard earned money, they're molesting young boys. What's done about that? Nothing. Never figured that one out either. I'm sure I'll have more on this subject in the future. Until then...

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